Ornation Creation


“Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet.

We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.”

– John F. Kennedy

Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.

John F. Kennedy

Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/j/johnfkenn132358.html#Iv60pw1La94Bmdus.99

Ornation Creation-Mandela 1-Ben Kwok
Ornation Creation-Mandela 1-Ben Kwok, a photo by ronniesz on Flickr.

This template is drawn by Ben Kwok. He posts it on the Ornation Creation Facebook group. I transferred the original mandala (8.5″ x 8.5″) onto card stock and colored it with Staedtler triplus fineliner pens. It’s shaded with graphite pencil. Thanks for viewing. Your comments are always welcome and appreciated.

Black & White w_Accent – #44 of 45


This is the last ATC drawn for the Swap at Zentangle Artist Trading Cards group.  At some point, I’ll download the others.  If you can’t wait, feel free to check out my Flickr page.  http://www.flickr.com/photos/80288200@N03/

As Promised


If you can believe it, I still haven’t gotten my printer/scanner to work.  I’ve tried every which way to get it to either print or scan.  No success!  Well, I just couldn’t not do my artwork, so I figured a way to use my Iphone to take pictures and download them onto my computer.  I don’t think the picture quality is as good, but it will have to do.

I have a daughter-in-law who is a computer whiz.  In fact she works at fixing people’s computers all day long.  All I need to do is give her a call and she’ll get me straightened out.  I’ve procrastinated calling her because she’s been so very busy lately, but I do intend to put out a call for help soon.

Meanwhile, I promised to post the process of making my large (25″w x 31″h) picture.  I’m happy to say that it is framed and hanging on a wall in my home.  I’m pleased with the outcome.  I’d love to do another, but I need more wall space.  I would have nowhere to hang another large picture.

As you can see, the bristol board is almost as big as my dining table.  I must admit that my antique table is not as large as they make them today.  Here you can see my tools and the first tangle on the board.

IMG_0625A day’s work complete.  I really don’t recall how long I worked to achieve this stage.  The time just seems to fly by and I lose track of it.  The pencil sketch is a tube-like, intertwining tangle that runs throughout the picture.  It creates spaces for me to fill with tangles.


The spaces are starting to fill.


I apologize for the fruzzy quality of some of the pictures, but as I said before, it is really hard to get a sharp, clear shot on my Iphone.  Here’s the finished Zentangle Inspired Drawing.

IMG_0637A closer look at the finished picture.  You may notice that I started to color it before I realized I wanted to take a picture of the finished piece.


Here the work in color progress.

IMG_0644 IMG_0643

The finished piece before framing.

IMG_0721Here’s the finished picture in a black wood frame hanging on my wall.  Sorry, about the reflection from the flash on the glass, but you get the idea.

IMG_0726It’s really difficult to see and appreciate the detail in these photos.  But I am glad that I documented it.  From start to finish I think this project took about two weeks.  I did other projects in between and didn’t work on it every day.  I’d love to read what you think of it.

Thanks so much for stopping by.  Looking forward to your comments.

A Kink in the Works


Haven’t posted for ten days!  I’ve had a kink in the works and have been feeling very frustrated.  I cannot get my printer to work.  I’ve tried every which way to get it to print or scan with no positive result.  Thus, I haven’t been doing the Diva Dares or Zendala Challenges because I’m unable to print them out.  I have finished my large project and will soon post the process from start to finish, as soon as I get the picture into the frame I purchased.  The picture project has taken a lot of time, but I’ve enjoyed it and it will be a beautiful addition to my home when it’s complete.

My solution to posting my Zentangle artwork is to use my Iphone to take the pictures.  I much prefer the scanner, but in this instance the Iphone will have to do.  I finished several smaller pieces approximately 4″ x 4″ and have used my new set of Derwent watercolor pencils to color them.  Using the watercolor pencils has been challenging.  I’ve also spent a great deal of time on line looking at videos about using watercolor pencils showing the various techniques for blending the colors.  I hope you like my most recent creations.

IMG_0687 IMG_0690 IMG_0691I also used glitter pens on the above picture.



Like It Or Not

I’ve missed a couple of the Diva’s Challenges.  Just seems I’ve been busy lately and didn’t have time to get them done.  I did, however, find time to do this week’s Challenge, a monotangle of Dex, a tangle created by Maria Roberts.

I found this tangle a bit daunting. I had a hard time coming up with enough variations to fill the entire page.  I found myself peeking at the other drawings posted on the Diva’s blog (Iamthediva).  I don’t usually do that.  I try to come up with my own interpretation, but this one just threw me and I had to seek inspiration from the already posted drawings.

I drew this monotangle on a 7″ x 7″ beige card stock using Micron .01 and .005 pens.  It is shaded with graphite pencil.

Diva Challenge #131-Monotangle Dex"Overall, I’m okay with how this one turned out.  Don’t think I’ll be doing any other monotangles of this tangle.  I wouldn’t mind using it in a drawing, but trying to come up with lots of variations was not particularly fun for me.

Hoping the rest of your week goes well.  Thanks for your visit.  I always appreciate when you leave a comment.

The Weekly Dare


The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude. – Friedrich Nietzsche

It was a welcome break from my special project to do the weekly Zendala Dare #69.  Here is the template before any changes have been made.

Zendala Darea #69 template Looking at the rough draft, I had my doubts about how this Zendala would turn out.

Zendala Dare #69

To my surprise, I am quite pleased with the final image.

Zendala Dare #69 1

This Zendala is drawn on white card stock with Micron .01 and .005 pens; it’s shaded with graphite pencil.

Thanks so much for viewing.  I appreciate your comments.  Have a great week.

Hanging By A String


Pull the string, and it will follow wherever you wish.

Push it, and it will go nowhere at all.
Dwight D. Eisenhower

This week’s Diva Dare hinges on a String.  String 004 to be exact, submitted to Linda Farmer’s TanglePatterns.com by Sue Agnew.

TanglePatterns-String-004I’m sure somewhere along my tangle journey, I’ve tangled this string before.  But, the interesting thing about strings, you can tangle them over and over and come up with totally different ZIAs.  Here’s my entry for this week:

Diva Challenge #129-String Theory v. XXV-String#004

Be sure to surf over to I Am The Diva‘s blog to see the other entries and read what the Diva is up to this past week with her beautiful children.

A day or two has passed and I found time to add some color to this ZIA.

Diva Challenge #129-String Theory v. XXV-String#004-colored

Thanks for stopping by.  Your comments are always a pleasure to receive.  Enjoy the rest of this week.

I Dare You


Hope lies in dreams, in imagination, and in the courage

of those who dare to makes dreams into reality. — Jonas Salk

Hard to believe it is Saturday again.  The days seem to roll by so quickly.  Of course, one of the joys of Saturday is to find a new Zendala Dare on Erin’s blog, The Bright Owl.  In addition to the Zendalas, Erin shares her life experiences and her family life.  This week’s message is about organ donation.  Check out her site and give some consideration to what she has to say.   You can also check out the beautiful art posted by the other participants.  It’s a real treat.

I changed my routine today.  I usually draw the Zendala on card stock approximately 8.5″ x 8.5.”  Today, I printed out the smaller version of the Dare and drew two of them on one sheet of pink card stock.  Here’s my first creation:

Zendala Dare #67-I

This Zendala is 3.5″ x 3.5″ drawn with Micron .005 pen and shaded with graphite.

Zendala Dare #67-II

This Zendala is 4″ x 4″ and also drawn using Micron .01 and .005 pens.

It’s a day later and I’ve added a full size Zendala Dare.  This piece is drawn on 8″ x 8″ white card stock with Micron .01 & .005 pens.

Zendala Dare #68-III

Thanks so much for stopping by.  I look forward to your comments.  Have a great weekend.

Challenges Can be Fun


I like the challenge of trying different things

and wondering whether it’s going to work

or whether I’m going to fall flat on my face.

Johnny Depp


This week’s Diva Challenge was to put two pencils together with a rubber band and draw a string for the ZIA or Zentangle.  This was “trying something different” for me.  Not so very difficult and fun to do.  Here is my Zentangle Inspired Art entry.



I drew this on 8.5″ x 11″ white card stock with Micron .01 and .005 pens.  It is colored with fine-line pens and Prismacolor Pencils.

The “Two-Pencil Strings” are filled with these tangles:  Coaster, by Carole Ohl (top left- next to the circles); Arckles, by Suzanna Wilka (right side strip); Chard, by Linda Farmer (middle strip); Gloven, by Mariët Lustenhouwer’s (bottom center loop); and the circle shaped string is filled with and un-named tangle.

The tangles in the spaces are:  Loopy, my tangle (top left); Paushalov, by Amy Broady (next to Loopy); PANE (var.), by Sandy Bartholomew, CZT (top center); Echoism* (top next to Pane); ‘NZeppel*, (right center); Paradox*, (below ‘NZeppel); Printemps*, (top right); ); Hako, by Lara Williams, CZT (bottom left); Zenella, by Molossus (bottom center); and Hepmee, by Carole Ohl (bottom right).  There may be a few tangles that are un-named.

Thank you so much for stopping by and viewing my work.  I really appreciate it.  Leaving a comment will be greatly appreciated.  Enjoy the rest of your week.

*original Zentangles by Maria Thomas

In The Mix


Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life.
—Wayne Dyer

I wanted to add two more Zendalas to the mix in this week’s Zendala Dare.

(See the first Zendala listed under the post “Things Change” – on right side of screen.)

I really liked this week’s template.  The Zendala below is drawn with colored gel pens on 8.5″ x 8.5″ white card stock.  The gel pen points are a great deal thicker than Micro pens, so it was difficult to be as detailed in drawing the tangles as I usually am.  That said, I still like what I came up with.

Zendala Dare #66 1The Zendala below is on the same size card stock but I used Micron .01 and .005 pens to draw the tangles.  Prismacolor pencils and fine-line pens were used to color this one.  The tangles were  drawn from memory, so I won’t try to name them, and in fact, some of them are not even known tangles, just line doodles.

Zendala Dare #66 2I want to thank you for stopping by.  I hope you like my two additions to this week’s Zendala Dare.  I’m sure you know by now, I really love to get comments.  Have a great week.